Core Programme
Our teams work with local families and communities in poor rural areas of India, Nepal and Zambia, to select the best and the brightest students to enter the Pestalozzi Villages.
Nurturing bright minds
Together, we are shaping a new generation of leaders and change-makers who can have a significant impact on their communities.
Creating social change at the Pestalozzi Villages
Working in some of the poorest and most marginalised communities, we support children with extraordinary potential to become future leaders and change-makers. At the Pestalozzi Villages, they get the education, skills and motivation they need to bring about social change.
The Alumni that graduate from the Pestalozzi Villages, become a new generation of teachers, health professionals, entrepreneurs, aid workers and leaders, all equipped with the tools and the compassion they need to do great things for their communities and change lives. Read more about our impact >

How does it work?
1. The selection process
Our teams in India, Zambia and Nepal travel to some of the most remote areas, where schools are poor and under-resourced.
Here, we work with families and communities to select the best and the brightest children (aged ten) among those held back by poverty, racial inequalities, gender stereotypes, poor education and the pressure to work and earn a living. We identify those who excel in the areas of emotional intelligence and academic performance.
With the support and encouragement of their families, we offer these children the opportunity to join our programme and move to one of the Pestalozzi Villages.
2. At the Pestalozzi Villages
At the Pestalozzi Villages, students aged 10-18 are supported in their journey to adulthood through our Head, Heart and Hands approach, by a community of experts, volunteers and former students.
At the Villages, our students:
Receive clothing, food and support.
They have the chance to attend high-quality local schools outside of the Village.
Have the opportunity to live in a caring environment, where their emotional and physical wellbeing is nurtured (child-centred care).
Learn about tolerance and inclusion by living in a multi-cultural environment.
Are required to volunteer locally and develop their skills beyond the classroom.
At the end of secondary education, the children graduate from the programme well prepared to access further education and with the knowledge, skills and motivation to care for themselves and others.
3. After graduation: our Alumni give back
The Alumni are a new generation of teachers, health professionals, entrepreneurs, aid workers and leaders who are equipped with the tools they need to change the world, together.
We support our Alumni to stay connected with PestalozziWorld and each other even after graduation, and provide them with opportunities for mentoring, volunteering and career advice.
Our Alumni soon become role models in their communities, often actively trying to bring about social change, and are true ambassadors for the Pestalozzi values and the new generation of change-makers. Read their stories >