Partner with us
By investing in our work with a significant gift, you’ll be joining us on a journey to shape a new generation of leaders and change-makers, with the tools, knowledge and compassion needed to change their communities - and the world!

Why choose PestalozziWorld?
1. To solve the world’s toughest problems, we need more leaders who truly understand them, having come from a background of poverty and discrimination themselves.
2. Together, we can reach more children and shape a generation of teachers, healthcare professionals, aid workers, entrepreneurs and more, who have the tools and compassion needed to change lives.
3. We will work with you to develop a bespoke partnership that will deliver significant benefits for your company/organisation.
4. We'll keep you updated on how your donation is spent and the impact it's making and invite you to special events to get to know our students and Alumni.
Do you want to know more?
Get in touch today by emailing our Chief Executive, James Haughton, at Alternatively, fill in the form below.
"With the support of companies, organisations and philanthropic donors, we can reach children with potential in the most remote parts of the world. Together, we shape them to become future leaders, arming them with the skills and dispositions needed to improve their communities and countries forever. "
- James Haughton, Chief Executive, PestalozziWorld
The Pestalozzi Villages

A new generation of leaders
​Our Alumni are today a new generation of teachers, health professionals, entrepreneurs, aid workers and leaders who are equipped with the tools they need to change the world, together.